We hope to provide you with material that can challenge and inspire you to live a more faithful and fruitful life. If you would like any of the matierials below, contact us to attain a copy. These are created for small groups, one-one-one discipleship, or for personal study.
Word Alive l 11 booklet series
In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded us to make disciples by teaching them to observe all that He had commanded….” 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to show yourself approved onto God…rightly dividing the Word of Truth.” As I have reflected back on my experience of reading the Bible, I have come to realize that what I was doing was more than just reading the Bible for devotional purposes; I was reading it to discover what it meant, what it actually said, not what it meant to me, but to interpret it…to discover the mind of God.
That personal journey has led me to conclude that learning to study the Word of God is pivotal to becoming a true and faithful follower of Jesus Christ. Without that ability and the confidence to read the Bible for ourselves, to make observations, comprehend and interpret it, we are trapped by the opinions of others (1 Cor. 1:1-12). We are forced to follow others and their interpretations of what God is telling us to do. Since we are relying on the opinions of others we are also less confident and less able to lead and persuade others effectively.
Word Alive addresses this issue and has significantly changed the lives of hundreds of disciples and allowed them to stand alone based on their own convictions gleaned straight out of the Word of God. I have personally noted that the guys that I have discipled who have completed this material and learned how to be independent interpreters of God’s Word are the men who have become leaders and teachers in the church. They have become true leaders...true disciples of Jesus Christ.
Discipleship l 8 booklet series
As a way to help Disciple makers more effectively work with other believers we have put together an 8 week workbook series. This spiritual journey is designed to draw our attention to the foundation stones (or fundamentals) of knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ. This material is published by Quest Ministries and is crafted to facilitate one-on-one discussion on these foundational topics:
Living a Christian Life - What the Bible teaches about our relationship with God.
Submitting to Christ - What the Bible teaches about allowing Christ to rule as Lord.
Conquering Sin - What the Bible teaches about victory over sin.
Biblical Faith - What the Bible teaches about Faith and how to live by Faith.
Finding God's Will - What the Bible teaches about decision making and the will of God.
Freedom of Forgiveness - What the Bible teaches about our forgiveness in Christ.
Obedience Through Baptism - What the Bible teaches about baptism.
The Effect of Discipleship - What the Bible teaches about spiritual reproduction
What if you had $100,000 to give away l 8 page booklet
Biblical Guidelines for Stewardship and Giving
Money management is primarily a matter of learning how to make sound decisions regarding our possessions and money. This booklet attempts to outline and clearly illustrate the Biblical concepts that are truth for God's people as taught in the New Testament, topics such as ownership, spending, giving, and borrowing.
Living Beyond Priorities l 6 page pamphlet
In this booklet we look at what the Word of God teaches concerning how we determine what is most important. We also discuss how our misconceptions about priorities cause greater difficulties in this journey on earth as representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Quest l 32 page mini-booklet
The timeless and provocative journey of the wealthiest and most powerful person of his time.
Making sense of our journey here on earth is often filled with uncertainty and confusion. This portion of a speech given by a well known leader and philosopher over three thousand years ago has resounding relevance to any person seeking to understand meaning and purpose today.